More than 42,000 people used Kajou in 2021, particularly in Senegal and Burundi.
The Kajou user community is young: 67% of users are under 25 years old! Above all, for each card distributed, nearly 4 people have benefited from its content. This is a great ratio to multiply the social impact, facilitated by the sharing of content from phone to phone.
Some interesting key figures emerge:
- 70% of respondents said they use the application more than 3 days a week for periods ranging from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
-85% said they had talked about specific content or shown it to relatives (children, friends, parents), of which more than two thirds mentioned it spontaneously.
- 90% of the farmers surveyed who received the card over a period of 3 weeks stated that they had already applied one or more of the techniques on the card.
In order to better delimit the contours of our impact analysis framework, two projects are currently being evaluated in Senegal: "Réussir le baccalauréat" and "UVS Campus Offline", in order to measure the effects of each project, understand the impact mechanisms and prepare for a possible scaling up of these two schemes. The final results of the evaluation will be shared at the end of the programmes. The evaluation of these two projects follows a similar, quasi-experimental protocol. The distribution of the Kajou cards constitutes the treatment, with the identification of a control group for each of the projects in parallel.
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